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What will they learn in Miss Potter's class?

In grade 2, children build on their previous learning and begin to explore a range of new concepts in greater depth. Through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the core subjects of maths and English, they make links between different areas of learning and approach new topics from an international perspective.

In maths, children develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills and begin to verbally explain their mathematical thinking, becoming more confident working with numbers of greater value.

In English, children learn a range of grammar and writing structures which can be applied to their writing; for example, how to use the features of fiction and non-fiction texts. They see that writing has a real purpose and work on creative story writing, newspaper articles and information texts.

Reading focuses on two elements: fluency in reading and reading comprehension skills. Children also learn how to discuss different authors’ choice of language and compare similar texts.

Start of the day

Children start their day with the ‘Morning Challenge”. This gives children an opportunity to practise or consolidate recently learnt concepts; examples of activities include writing tasks, times tables recall, reading or IPC challenges.


This activity is followed by a “Wake and Shake” practical session in the hall to enable children to start the day feeling energised and ready to learn.


Children have a healthy snack before playtime. Playtime is in the playground, grassy field or in the sandpit area and lasts 15 minutes. All children follow the rule, “no hat, no play, no fun today!”. All playtime sessions are supervised by teachers at all times.



Lunch is eaten in classrooms with the class teacher. Children are responsible for tidying up their lunch and keeping their classroom clean and presentable. Children may bring a packed lunch for home, or order from “The New Luncher” and have a nutritious, chef-prepared lunch delivered to school each day. After lunch, children have playtime for 30 minutes, with a range of activities available including skipping and football.

Early afternoon

Depending on the day, children attend Mandarin, PE or IPC lessons. Mandarin is taught by our specialist mandarin teachers who take each class for four lessons every week. PE takes place in our school hall (and in the near future, will included swimming sessions in the new school pool!).


End of the day

Children pack up their belongings and leave their classroom tidy and ready for the following day’s learning. Children line up with their teachers. After school, children are collected by their parents or carers, take privately arranged transport (such as Schuber) or stay on to attend one of the many ECAs offered by our school.

We asked: What's the one thing you'd like parents to do to get their child ready for school?

Make sure your child is familiar with their school equipment and encourage them to take care of their important belongings such as hats, water bottles and jumpers. Speak to your child about their learning each day and share our school ClassDojo stories with them so they can see the strong relationship that exists between parents and teachers. Most of all, make school an exciting, fun experience and share in your child’s learning every day!