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Invictus PTA Annual General Meeting and Parents’ Social Quiz Night

Invictus PTA Annual General Meeting and Parents’ Social Quiz Night

Invictus PTA Annual General Meeting on Wednesday September 26 at 7:30pm in the School Hall

The Invictus PTA is having our 2018 Annual General Meeting and welcome all parents to attend to find out more about what the PTA does at Invictus. At this brief meeting we will address the agenda below. If you have any additional agenda items that you would like to add, please email ptasecretary@invictus.school by Sept. 19, 2018.

PTA Annual General Meeting 2018 Agenda
1)  Introduction of the PTA and the 2018/2019 Committee Members
2)  Summary of financial report
3)  Overview of planned PTA events for the year
4)  Vote on and confirm new committee memberrs
5)  Any other business

Invictus PTA Parents’ Social Quiz Night on Wednesday, September 26 at 8:00 pm in the School Hall

Directly after the AGM, we will be holding a Parents’ Social Quiz Night to encourage Invictus parents to get to know each other.
Those who attend the AGM will receive a free drink voucher at the Quiz Night. You might be a veteran quiz player or this may be your first time. All are welcome and the idea is simply to have a fun night! All the information you need is below. If you have further questions, please email pta@invictus.school.

  • How much does it cost and what do I get for my ticket?
    • The ticket is $20 per person which includes a slice of pizza and a drink of your choice (beer, wine or soda). Proceeds from the night will go to support other PTA activities throughout the year.

  • Will there be food and drinks available?
    • Your ticket includes one slice of pizza and one drink. There will be drinks available for purchase. You can also bring your own drinks and snacks.

  • What is the format of the quiz night?
    • There will be 5 rounds with 10 questions each of general knowledge trivia. You will work together with other parents at your table (8 people per table) to answer the questions. The team with the highest score wins. There are prizes up for grabs!

  • I don’t know anyone else who is going. How do I form a team?
    • No need to form a team in advance, you can join a table on the night.

  • How do I buy a ticket?
    • Send in the event fee and registration slip with your child. There will be a collection box in your child’s classroom. Your name will be recorded on the master list for the event. You will receive your pizza and drink voucher on the night.


Return this registration slip with your payment:

Name of Parent(s) Attending the Quiz Night:__________________________________________
Number of Parents Attending: _________ Total Amount Enclosed: ______________________