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Meet Invictus International School Star Student Pravek Shrestha

Meet Invictus International School star student Pravek Shrestha, who graduated from Grade 3 in July and will join us again in Grade 4 this month.
You might remember Pravek from our Invictus Talent Show where he recited every element of the periodic table! :) It is not surprising he is also a member of Mensa Singapore - a society for high IQ people.

The clever and enthusiastic 9 year old started his own YouTube channel during the summer break, keeping him busy researching dinosaurs and prehistoric animals.
Pravek calls his channel Pravek's Studio and has create 13 videos so far, with some reaching nearly 2,000 views!
Pravek has also been learning how to use video editing tools to make his videos more informative and creative.
Here is a video Pravek created called Dinosaurs whose fossils were found in China (in English)
Pravek also published the same video called Dinosaurs whose fossils were found in China (in Mandarin)
We are proud to call Pravek an Invictus student and recently caught up with him to find out the inspiration behind his videos.
"In my channel, I make videos with amazing and fun facts about dinosaurs as there is so much we can learn from these diverse groups of reptiles. I started the channel so I can share my knowledge and at the same time continue to learn and improve my communications & presentation skills."
His father, Prajay Shrestha, says he is impressed with Pravek's independence.
"We are very proud and amazed by how self-motivated Pravek is and how he looks for ways to improve his skills. The YouTube channel was his own idea."