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Invictus Awarded 4-Year Edutrust Certification

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We are pleased to announce that Invictus International School in Singapore has been awarded the 4-year EduTrust Certification by the Committee for Private Education (CPE) for Private Education Institutions (PEIs) in Singapore.

invictus-edutrust-student-64d9bf2660afb.jpgThe EduTrust Certification aims to set apart private schools that can consistently deliver a high standard of quality in the overall provision of education services and strive to make continual improvements that lead to positive student outcomes.

The seven criteria assessed are:

  • Management Commitment and Responsibilities
  • Corporate Governance and Administration
  • External Recruitment Agents
  • Student Protection and Support Services
  • Academic Processes and Student Assessment
  • Achievement of Student and Graduate Outcomes
  • Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Results

In awarding Invictus the EduTrust certification, the CPE has recognised the efforts Invictus has undertaken to sustain an excellent level of performance in managing itself as an institution and providing a high quality of education and welfare for its students.

Dr Nicholas Duggan, Head of School, said: ''At Invictus, our aim is to consistently deliver a quality, affordable education. The 4-year EduTrust Certification awarded is a recognition of this effort,  and gives parents the confidence and assurance of knowing they've made the right choice. With this award, we believe that we have taken the school experience at Invictus from good to great!''

To find out more about the EduTrust Certification Scheme, click here.
