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Age related expectations for pupils

Questions for 4 year-old students
Can they name simple shapes?
Can they name their main body parts?
Can they push and pull appropriately?
Do they know what “Space” means – as in outer space
Can they match cup and saucer – bat and ball –
Do they know what makes a plant grow?
Use a mouse and a shift key on a keyboard
Can they count from 10 to 15?
Can they pull faces to show emotions?
Can they clap a steady beat along to a song?
Do they know the different ways people travel abroad?
Do they know how to find the contents page in a book?
Can they write a list of animals: - cow, pig, dog, cat?
Do they know why it is important to be helpful?
Do they know how to share a bag of grapes fairly with their friends?
Can they read the following:
I can say the car is red.
I can say my dog is hot.
Can they write their name?
Questions for 5 year-old students.
Do they know that writing is used in lots of different ways: signs, letters, books, labels
Can they tell you what a story will be about by looking at the cover of the book?
Can they write you a shopping list?
Can they count in 5s up to 100?
Can they count a set of 20 objects?
Do they correct you if you count incorrectly?
Can they tie their shoelaces?
Can they wink with one eye?
Can they tell a joke?
Do they know which is the biggest? Or the smallest?
Can they play dominoes?
Can they tell you which of their toys is the heaviest?
Can they walk or run faster or slower?
Do they know how people travelled in the past?
Do they know how to switch on machines safely?
Can they tell you about their brothers and sisters, their names, ages and birthday months?
Do they know where milk comes from?
Do they know how to cheer a friend up when they are sad?
Do they know that some materials reflect light?
Can they tell you about special food on a holiday occasion?
Questions for 6 year-old students

Can they write a sentence with a capital letter and a full stop?
Do they have books by a favourite author?
Can they read words with a long vowel phoneme? (Such as street.)
Can they read and write the numbers up to 30?
Can they count in 2s, 5s and 10s forward and backwards?
Can they recognize odd and even numbers?
Can they find 10 more or 10 less of a given number?
Can they find totals in money and give change?
Can they tell the time to the half hour?
Can they tell you the life cycle of a butterfly or frog?
Can they draw a map of the world?
Can they throw and catch a ball?
Can they describe their friends in detail?
Do they know how and when they learn best?
Questions for 7 year-old students
Can they write a list with commas?
Can they tell you the difference between a poem and a non-chronological report?
Can they use the past tense correctly?
Can they use different suffixes to end words?
Can they read and write numbers to 100?
Do they know each digit in a two-digit number?
Can they extend number sequences?
Can they recognize a right angle?
Do they know their 2 and 10 times table?
Can they read the quarter hour on an analogue clock?
Can they use search skills on a computer?
Can they plan and make a fruit salad?
Can they describe leisure time facilities?
Do they know what would be found in houses in the past?
Can they put the dishwasher on?
Can they find any country on the world map?
Do they use joined up handwriting?
Can they light a bulb up using an electrical circuit?
Can they do a handstand or a cartwheel or a forward roll?
Can they identify changes in pitch?
Questions for 8-year old students

Do they know how we learn about the past from the objects we find?
Can they tell you which continent countries are in?
Can they tell you what makes a healthy diet?
Can they tell you the main features of one ancient civilization?
Do they know how to talk about magnets and forces using the appropriate vocabulary?
Can they design a questionnaire?
Can they identify and explain different views on environmental change?
Do they know how to commit from their short term to their long term memory?
Can they read and write whole numbers up to 1000 and order a set of 3-digit numbers?
Can they round any 3 digit number to the nearest 100
Can they identify unlabelled divisions on a number scale?
Can they add any 2 digit numbers mentally?
Can they add and subtract HTU?
Can they add and subtract money? .
E.g I had £234 in the bank, and I spent £85 on car repairs. How much would I have left?
£6.47 + £3.38
Questions for 9 year-old students

Do they know what a food chain is? A predator? Prey?
Can they describe a good habitat for a panda?
Can they take a photo with a digital camera?
Can they upload files and download them?
Can they describe how geographical features change over time?
Can they sing with their friends in two part harmony?
Can they describe what life is like for a child in a poorer country?
Do they know the features of product design?
Can they describe a tetrahedron and a heptagon?
Can they produce a pictogram?
Can they draw and measure lines to the nearest millimeter?
Can they read scales to the nearest whole unit?
Do they know all their times tables?
Can they say their alphabet backwards?
Can they play noughts and crosses / tic tac toe mentally?
Can they tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest 5 minutes?
Can they distinguish between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd person forms of pronouns?
e.g. I, me, we; you; she, her, them
Can they refer to significant aspects of the text, e.g. opening, build-up, atmosphere, and to know language is used to create these, e.g. use of adjectives for description?
Can they use their knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words?
Can they recount events in a variety of ways?
Can they compare different types of humour? (word play, joke poems, word games, absurdities, cautionary tales, nonsense verse, calligram)
Can they write poetry that uses sound to create effects? (onomatopeia, alliteration, distinctive rhythms )
Questions for 10 year old students

Can they analyse and compare use of form in poems?
Can they change the tense of a piece of writing?
Do they know what an auxiliary verb is?
Can they identify how a piece of writing is from the writer’s own experience?
Do they proof read their own writing for clarity and correctness?
Can they write metaphors from original ideas?
Do they know how to use the imperative form in writing instructions?
Do they understand the effect of and relationships between the four operations, and the principles of the arithmetic laws as they apply to multiplication?
Can they identify and order obtuse and acute angles?
Can they make a net for a cube?
Can they read the time on a 24 hour digital clock and use 24 hour clock notation such as 19:53.
Read time from an analogue clock to the nearest minute.
Derive quickly division facts corresponding to tables to 10x10
Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length
Round up any integer up to 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100. Estimate by approximating then check the result.
Can they work with pupils with different learning styles to themselves and gain from the experience?
Can they use abbreviations in note taking?
Can they use a spreadsheet to help plan a mission to Mars?
Can they plan and prepare a picnic for five friends?
Can they present a persuasive argument?
Do they read the newspaper at least once a week?
Can they be quiet by themselves for an hour?
Can they recommend a book to a friend?
Questions for 11 year-old students

Can they compare the film to its book and say which is better and why?
Can they explain how clauses in a sentence affect meaning?
Can they use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a support for spelling?
(aero, aqua, audi, bi, cede, clued, con, cred, duo, hydro, in, micro, oct, photo, port, prim, scribe, scope, sub, tele, tri, ex)
Can they explain how an author infers meaning?
Can they plan the main features of their narrative writing with plot, characters, dilemma and resolution?
Do they understand the function of the etymological dictionary and to use it to study words of interest and significance?
Can they multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100 and 1000
Can they identify and use appropriate operations (including a combination of operations) to solve problems involving numbers and quantities bases on ‘real life’ or money.
Can they convert fractions to decimals and percentages?
Can they calculate area and capacity?
Can they find the mode or median in a set of data?
Can they confidently speak in front of a large audience?
Can they contribute to the school newspaper?
Can they follow their own interests to develop themselves as a learner?
Can they double dutch skip?
Can they write, cast and direct their friends in a play?
Can they use music and pictures to set the mood?
Can they name all the capital cities and major currency of most countries?
Can they identify and mimic the major features of an artist?
Can they check the inverse operation when using a calculator?
Can they put hyperlinks in their work?
Can they understand Macbeth?
Can they perform a sequence of fluent gymnastic movements?