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Sassy Mama features our new Invictus Centrium Bilingual Campus

Thank you Sassy Mama Singapore for the beautiful write-up on our new Prep class for students aged 5 years old, our new secondary Centrium campus for Grades 7 & 8, our new Centrium Bilingual campus for primary students and for featuring our wonderful Invictus teachers

Click here to read the full article.

Invictus International School

Dempsey Campus: 73 Loewen Road, #01-21, Singapore 248843, Tel: (+65) 6259 3877,

Sentosa Campus: 31 Ocean Way #01-15, Singapore 098375, Tel: (+65) 6694 5088,

Centrium Campus: 320 Serangoon Road, Singapore 218108, Tel: (+65) 9664 3651,